01 - Radio Swan Is Down (Part I)
02 - Is There No Help For The Widows Son?
03 - I Hope
04 - Number Stations
05 - Every Light
06 - Lake Vostok Beachfront
07 - It's Kind Of Like The Innocent Smiles You Get At The Start Of A Relationship Before You Fuck Everything Up
08 - Radio Swan Is Down (Part II)
09 - Patterns Not People
10 - Cambridge Bypass
11 - Another Near Miss
Every year there are albums that come out of nowhere. This year, at least half of my favorite records came out of nowhere, but no album came quite out of the blue like Laura's Radio Swan Is Down. I had not heard of Laura untill one day, while browsing through rateyourmusic.com I stumbled upon a list someone made of his favorite releases of the year. The list was similar to what my list of favorites would have looked like, but up near the top he had Radio Swan Is Down. I downloaded the album and didn't give it much attention so it stayed idle on my computer for a while... untill the day I finally got around to listening to it and was completely blown away.
Laura's Radio Swan Is Down is a mammoth of unrelenting post-rock perfection. From the haunting opener on "Radio Swan Is Down (Part I)", to the beautifully climaxing guitars on "Is There No Hope For The Widow's Son?", to the beautiful synths and vocals on "I Hope", to the Bark Psychosis-like tribute on "It's Kind Of Like The Innocent Smiles You Get At The Start Of A Relationship Before You Fuck Everything Up", to the slowly building to vocal perfection on "Cambridge Bypass", to the... as you can see this album does not cease to pummel you with unrelenting force.
This album is not to be messed with, and neither are these Aussies. Respect!