01 - Six Feet Under Ground
02 - Remove All Trace
03 - Joyrider
04 - Nothing Just Happens
05 - Farewell To The Bright Side
06 - All Day Long
07 - Dark Mobson
08 - 1887/D.I.Y.A.
09 - Kids Got Shadows In Their Eyes
10 - Ask The Dust
When Decoymusic.com posted up their Top 50 Instrumental Releases of 2005 I pillaged the majority of the bands listed by downloading their albums because I’m a thieving bastard. Well, I downloaded Don’t Look Back’s Brighter about eleven months ago but until last week it was lost among the many other zip files I downloaded.
Anyway, when I finally got around to listening to Brighter I was a little disappointed that I never listened to it in the previous eleven months it was in my possession, because this album is pure pwnage. It is the best post-rock album heavily dependant on audio samples that I’ve heard since Mogwai’s Come On Die Young, if not better. The samples used are all very intriguing and make you focus more on the music than you normally would. Also, the interplay between the music and the samples especially on "Nothing Just Happens" are absolutely perfect. No sample is out of a place or unneccessary, they are all used to absolute precision.
To sum up what Don’t Look Back sound like, let’s just say that Brighter is pretty, it’s heavy, it’s brutal, it’s just pure awesomensauce.
Downloaded. Nuff said.
Okay, -not- "nuff said". This is... This is freakin amazing! Shit dude, how did I not know about this before? It's like combining everything I love into one CD!
Okay, I'm not that excited, but it's still a fucking -sweet- album. Nice reccommend.
If you want, I can send you the whole album.
p.s. they're from France, so that may be why you haven't heard of them before.
I downloaded their album a while ago. Like, December 2. You're behind the times. (go on aim)
definitely one of my favorites this year, i can't wait for more
i've got shadows in my eyes
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