01 - Twelve
02 - Let The Jazz Band In
03 - Six
04 - Terrible Noise
05 - Seven
06 - #
07 - Three
08 - So This Is Our Home
09 - Eight
10 - Nine
11 - Country Song
It's that time of the year ladies and gentleman when all us elitist hipsters cast in our votes for album of year. Well if you've been following my music rants since July, you'd know that IWSMOFFY's ...Believes In Patterns has firmly held that spot. ...Believes In Patterns is the best and easily most innovative album to come out of the emo scene since Circle Takes The Square's As The Roots Undo in 2004. With their combination of three vocalists - two male and one female - a violist, and a utility jazzist/percusionist, IWSMOFFY is an amalgation of sorts; mixing emo/screamo, post-rock, free-jazz, and dare I say art-rock.
The most impressive quality of IWSMOFFY is their fluidity. Not only do the songs on the record flow perfectly from one to another, but each song has impeccable flow within itself. IWSMOFFY is able to mix so many different styles with screaming and singing without ever having a song feel disjointed. To simply put it, the vocals on this record are perfect, the instrumentation is flawless, and the lyrics are excellent - though you might not be able to make them out while listening. The only thing else I can say about this is that it is an essential must listen. So do yourself the favor and listen.
I listened to it, and I was rather impressed. It's interesting, they use rather simplistic methods in their songs, stuff that you'd think sounds familiar, but you just can't place it, and then it goes crashing into the yelling. I liked it.
I'm glad you liked it Kuni, because it's definately not down everybody's alley.
On that note, I hope I spelled 'alley' right this time.
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